If you haven’t used your card machine for a little while, you’ll need to fully charge it first, which will take around four hours.
We also recommend updating your settings to make sure you have the latest software:
Instructions for Ingenico terminals (GEMS)
- At the home screen, press ‘Menu’ twice.
- Scroll down and select ‘Function’.
- Key in ‘81’ and press ‘Enter’.
- Swipe your supervisor card or key in your supervisor password.
- Press ‘Enter’ at the ‘accept connection method’ prompt.
- Press ‘Enter’ at the ‘call to GEMs’ prompt.
- The update will load and a receipt report will print once complete.
Instructions for Ingenico terminals integrated with electronic till (TMS)
- Press ‘Menu’ twice to see more Menu options.
- Select ‘Supervisor’.
- Key in your supervisor password and press 'Enter’.
- Press 'Menu'.
- Select 'Call TMS'.
- The update will load and a receipt report will print once complete.
Instructions for Spire terminals
- Press ‘Home’.
- Press ‘4’ (Terminal).
- Press ‘1’ (Prog Load).
- Key in your supervisor password and press ‘Enter’.
- The screen will display ‘Prog Load Correct?’
- Press ‘Yes’.
- The update will load and a receipt report will print once complete.