From time to time, we may need you to update your card machine settings. This ensures your machine is up to date with card industry requirements.
To manually update your settings, please follow the steps below depending on the type of card machine you have.
Instructions for Ingenico card machines (GEMS)
Instructions for Ingenico card machines integrated with electronic till (TMS)
Instructions for Spire card machines
Instructions for Ingenico terminals (GEMS)
- At the home screen, press ‘Menu’ twice.
- Scroll down and select ‘Function’.
- Key in ‘81’ and press ‘Enter’.
- Swipe your supervisor card or key in your supervisor password.
- Press ‘Enter’ at the ‘accept connection method’ prompt.
- Press ‘Enter’ at the ‘call to GEMs’ prompt.
- The update will load and a receipt report will print once complete.
Instructions for Ingenico terminals integrated with electronic till (TMS)
- Press ‘Menu’ twice to see more Menu options.
- Select ‘Supervisor’.
- Key in your supervisor password and press 'Enter’.
- Press 'Menu'.
- Select 'Call TMS'.
- The update will load and a receipt report will print once complete.
Instructions for Spire terminals
- Press ‘Home’.
- Press ‘4’ (Terminal).
- Press ‘1’ (Prog Load).
- Key in your supervisor password and press ‘Enter’.
- The screen will display ‘Prog Load Correct?’
- Press ‘Yes’.
- The update will load and a receipt report will print once complete.