Below you'll find a list of FAQs so you know what to expect when moving from Merchant Management System (MMS) to the new Paymentsense online gateway.
Why do I need to upgrade?
We want to make sure that our customers get the best payment experience. Our new platform won’t cost anything extra, and offers better reliability and security. Plus it meets the requirements so that you’re 3DS2 compliant without needing to do anything.
What do I need to do?
One of our experts will run through the steps with you over the phone, and then send a follow up email with everything you need.
What does this mean for Merchant Management Service?
You’ll still be able to access MMS using your existing log in details, so that you can manage historic transactions and view reports. This includes the ability to process refunds.
Although we expect the transition to go smoothly, we’ll leave your MMS active so that you can continue trading if we experience any technical issues.
Is there any additional cost?
No, your price plan will stay the same.
Who can I speak to if I need help?
Just call us at 0800 103 2959.