Thank you for continuing to trust us with your personal data. The law is changing and we remain committed to protecting the privacy of the personal data we collect from you.
Our privacy policies have been updated in accordance with the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), effective from May 2018 onwards.
What is GDPR
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European legislation designed to strengthen your privacy rights in regards to how businesses use your personal data.
How we use your personal data
Your personal data enables us to ensure you have full access to our suite of products, to process your transactions safely and securely and, ultimately, to ensure you get paid. We also use personal data to improve your experience when using our website and digital platforms. We sometimes use data to help develop valuable, new products and services however, your personal data is always anonymised. Please see our Privacy Policy for further details about how we use your personal data.
Do I need to do anything?
You do not need to take any action and your personal data is protected in accordance with GDPR guidelines. We have updated our Privacy Policies to reflect the new regulatory changes.
Your privacy documents
Your individual Merchant Services Agreement